Gold Cucumber

A long time ago, there was a beautiful girl named Timun Mas. She was born from a mystical pact with a giant named Buto ljo.

In their pact, Buto ljo would get her back when she turns 17. Timun Mas' parents then broke their promise and asked him to run for office.

Buto ljo was so angry that he sued Timun Mas. However, Timun Mas retaliated by spreading salt, shrimp paste and even cucumber seeds.

Melon seeds into forests, salt into the sea, shrimp paste into mud. Buto ljo was then submerged in the suction mud and Timun Mas was able to return home safely

Edited by
-Indifarel Al Khadri
-M.Alfin Nugroho
-Tegar Arief Prasetyo
-Maulana Yusuf


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