fairy tale of the stepherd boy and the wolf

Fairy tale of the shepherd boy and the wolf

 When Rutin was tending the sheep at the edge of the forest, the boy was bored. Until he was finally ready for unexpected actions.  
 The child suddenly shouted: "Help! There are wolves here, please!" 
 Hearing the cry, the villagers came  and went to help the child from the wolf attack. However, when he approached the boy, it turned out that the shepherd boy was only joking and did it out of boredom. The residents got angry and  returned home.  
 It was not  done just once, but after a few days  the shepherd boy returned to do the same, calling for help. Again, the residents were disappointed and resentful because the shepherd simply laughed at the anger of the residents. 
 Until one afternoon a pack of wolves came and attacked the sheep they were feeding. The child, feeling danger and fear, immediately called for help. But luckily this time no residents came because they didn't believe in him. 
  The wolves also managed to catch many sheep and brought them to the forest. This incident made the shepherd repent and  not repeat his actions again. 
 Based on the above short children's story, the moral message It can be taken  not to lie. Because once you lie, you will never be believed again. Finally, the above story will teach your child to be honest with others, mom.

nama kelompok: kelvin







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