Once upon a time there was a kingdom in Prambanan village which was ruled by King Baka. He had a very beautiful daughter named Roro Jonggrang. 
 Once under Bandung Bondowoso, the Pengging Kingdom defeated Prambanan. King Baka died on the battlefield. He killed Bandung Bondowoso who was very powerful. Bandung Bondowoso then occupied the Prambanan Palace. After seeing Prabu Baka's beautiful daughter Roro Jonggrang, his desire to marry Roro Jonggrang grew bigger. 
 Roro Jonggrang knew that Bandung Bondowoso had killed his father. Hence, it was prudent for him to refuse it. He then presented the conditions for 1,000 temples and two deep wells. Everything must be done overnight. Bandung Bondowoso agreed to Roro Jonggrang's request . He asked his father for help and summoned an army of spirits to aid him on the appointed day. At four in the morning only five temples were unfinished and two wells were almost finished. Roro Jonggrang knew that the 1000 temples were almost ready, she was afraid. "Whatwhat should I do to stop this?” She was disturbed at the thought of having to accept the proposal of Bandung Bondowoso who killed her parents.  
 Finally, she went to wake up the Prambanan village girls and ordered them to light torches and burn straw, pound pestles in a mortar and sprinkle flowers. fragrant. The atmosphere was bright and intense. In an instant, a reddish explosion flashed across the sky.  
 The cock crowed and crowed.Hearing this voice, the Spirits immediately left their work. They thought it was morning and the sun would soon rise. At that time there was only one temple that was not built.  
 Bandung Bondowoso was very surprised and angry because his business failed. In anger, Bandung Bondowoso cursed Roro Jonggrang to become a statue that would complete the unfinished temple. The Roro Jonggrang statue stone is placed in the great temple room. Until now the temple is namedRoro Jonggrang Temple. Meanwhile, the surrounding temples are called Sewu (Thousand Temples), even though their number has not yet reached 1,000.



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