Satay Building

I took this photo when I was holiday to Bandung City . I visited satay building ( Gedung Sate ) who became one of the icons of Bandung City and Province of West Java . Satay Building ( Gedung Sate ) is a place where the Governor of West Java to work .

Satay Building ( Gedung Sate ) was established on July 27, 1920, this building was originally constructed as the seat of government at the time in which the Dutch government set Bandung as the capital of the their colonies country in Indonesia.The selection of Bandung City was based on consideration suitable climate because Bandung City is so cool and beautiful natural scenery . That said,climate of Bandung City is as comfortable as the South of France in the summer.

During the Dutch colonial time, Gedung Sate was known as the Gouvernements Bedrijven or GB. The first stone was laid by Johanna Catherina Coops, the eldest daughter of the mayor of Bandung, B. Coops and his wife Petronella Roelofsen, which were the representatives of the Governor-General in Batavia, J.P. Graaf van Limburg Stirum, at 27 July 1920. The building is the result of a planning team that was made up from Ir. J. Gerber, a young architect with name from the Technische Universiteit Delft in the Netherlands, Ir. Eh. De Roo and Ir. G Hendriks from the local government of Bandoeng.

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