Cibodas Botanical Garden

This picture described when I went holiday with my friends . I vacationed to The Cibodas Botanical Garden . I took the picture which in front of the guest house . The Guest House is used to a location for shooting the film .

Kebun Raya Cibodas (KRC or the Cibodas Botanical Gardens) is a 125-hectares botanical garden located approximately 1,300-1,425 meters on the slopes of Mount Gede, 23 kilometers to the northwest of the township of Cianjur. The gardens are in the Cibodas subdistrict of West Java, Indonesia, around 100 kilometers from Jakarta. They were founded in 1862 by the Dutch botanist Johannes Elias Teysjmann as an extension of the Bogor Botanical Gardens.

The gardens have a collection of almost 6,000 specimens, representing over 1,200 species, and a glasshouse collection of over 4,000 specimens,including 350 species of cacti and succulents and 360 species of orchids.

Historically the Cibodas Botanic Garden is associated with the introduction of quinine to Indonesia. Here that valuable species was planted for the first time, introduced from South America. A few years later, the plants had to be transferred to another, more suitable place, but the introduction of exotic plants to Indonesia continued. Worth mentioning are the introduction of Eucalyptus species from Australia, and the conifers from Europe and America, which now dominate the landscape. The succulents Aloe and Agave, and the Acacia, Callistemon and Camellia plants were introduced for decorative purposes, in addition to many other temperate species which can be seen in the commercial nurseries alongside the roads leading into the Garden.

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